My good friend Jeremy asked me this question: "I'm trying to figure out how to get my notes or blogs imported onto facebook. How do you do it?"
I had to look around a little to get directions that make more sense than what mine would be. I got this info from AskOwen
First of all you’ll need to log into FaceBook. Do this in the normal way, then have a look at the screen youare presented with. If you look on the left hand side of your screen you’ll see a menu list of different Applications you have associated with your account. This starts off as a simple list, but as you add more Applications the list will grow longer. Your application list can be quite long, but one of the options in the menu is called Notes and this is the one you’re after. Click on this to proceed to the next step.
Enter the URL to your blog in the text box. It doesn’t need to be your RSS feed, as FaceBook will figure this out on it’s own. You’ll have to tick the disclaimer underneath the URL and then just click Start Importing.
You’re done! I told you it wasn’t hard!
can you import multiple blogs as notes?
I don't know Kelci, but I assume you could if you follow the same steps
My company blog contains embedded YouTube videos. Those don't seem to import into my FB notes. Embedded images work just fine. Does anyone know how to make it so FB imports the videos as well?
THANK YOU! Your instructions were easy to follow, and I had my blog imported in seconds.
there are none on mine either!
in the new facebook, look for note settings under "settings" on the upper rand hand menu, then application settings, then note settings. Good luck!